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Friday, January 24, 2014

top 5 cydia repos 2013

The most popular source of these was Hackul0us but they shut up shop very suddenly at the end of 2012. So, here, for your benefit are the top 5 repos for downloading cracked apps.
To add the repo:
  1. Open Cydia
  2. Tap Manage > Sources > Edit > Add and type in one of the repos addresses below.

Top Cydia Repo’s to Download Jailbreak Apps :

This is one of the top repos that house a lot of cracked apps, as well as those that are paid and “legal”.  It contains a wide range of apps, themes, tweaks and mods to customize your device in any way you see fit. The most popular app is AppSwitcher .
HackYouriPhone contains a lot of themes, including dreamboard ones.  Alongside this there are loads of games and other tweaks and apps that have been cracked. Popular apps included iSHSHit and AndroidLock .
This is one of the top sources for Cydia apps, tweaks and themes, including a lot of cracked ones. Some of the more popular apps are MyWi and BiteSMS.
As well as being a source of cracked apps, this repo is also home to most of the most popular apps, tweaks and themes that you will find on other repos, including BiteSMS, MyWi and AndroidLock amongst others.
The final in our top 5 for downloading cracked apps is this one. It contains a wide selection of cracked apps and you can also find most other popular apps here as well. The most popular download is Auxo AppSwitcher.
So, there you have it, 5 ways to get your cracked apps.  It must be said, however, that we do not support piracy in any form. By all means try the apps and, if you find one you like you should consider buying it from the developer who built it for you. Also be aware that you are running a high risk of downloading malware or a virus onto your device.


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