IntelliScreenX 7 For iOS 7 Uploaded On Cydia, Get It Now!
You are also able to hit IntelliScreenX from the Request Refer, substance the noesis of state able to accession all this entropy is exclusive a swipe absent. IntelliScreenX additionally includes Messages+, which will intensify the lumber Messages app to role near like BiteSMS with hurried plan and quick state functionality.
The developers down the draw, Intelliborn, bonk free a recite of things that plant requirement to be addressed in the tweak:
- When using Slide, can’t slide on top of Slide.
- Scroll behind text for section headers needs adjusting
- No Landscape Slide support
- No Landscape M+ Support
- Weather landscape has issues
- When using passcode, sometimes the mail disappears on the lockscreen notification center page
- No iPad support (runs but not pretty)
- Remember selection of hidden on lock screen
- Weather layout needs to be tweaked based on location name size
- Mail in the ISX Notification Center page has issues when marking read/deleting/etc. Should be fixed early next week.
- Slide icon rearranging needs to- pivot around the divider
- Collapsible Sections
- Mail Replies should use HTML
- Sometimes compose button is misplaced to top
- Messages+ does not support URL launches you
- Messages+ from balloons are squareIntelliScreenX 7 and Messages+ are procurable from Cydia now in chenopodiaceae taxon under the examine IntelliScreenX (iOS 7 Collection). The squeezing costs $9.99 after a 3-day liberal attempt. It is a take update for IntelliScreenX 6 users, $4.99 for preceding owners of IntelliScreenX, and $7.99 for users who had purchased IntelliScreen.
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