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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

7 Computer Security Protocols that should be Mandatory

Computer security entails protecting of the computer and the computer software from data loss, destruction and authorized access. There are several computer protocols put in place to ensure that chances of above mentioned are reduced or totally eliminated, they include practices carried out or installation of certain software or programs on the computer to enable and improve security.
Among the 7 computer security protocols that should be mandatory are

1. Using certified genuine Operating Systems - to ensure that your computer is secure from data loss, possible damage and software malfunctions ensure that you purchase and use the genuine operating systems. Always desist from installing any software that cannot be trusted.
2. Protecting home and private computers – always ensure that your Personal computers are adequately protected to eliminate possible risk. Always lock your screens wherever you leave your computer be it at home or in the office. You should also ensure that you make use of available anti – virus for your computer and also computer software should be updated always in good time.
3. Encrypting sensitive locally stored files - Windows Operating System usually comes with file encryption features, which are usually in-built. There are other encryption programs that can assist in encryption work such as the TrueCrypt utility among others. These programs easily integrate well with windows explorer.
4. Encrypting of personal information that is stored in cloud – though vendors of cloud storage vendors will normally assure that the data you have stored in cloud is utterly safe, it’s strongly advised that you encrypt it to avoid it getting to the wrong hands.
5. Preventing Keystroke loggers and other data snoops - ensure that your firewall and antivirus are in good working order to eliminate vulnerability of your systems from computer criminals, they attack when there is weakness and easy access. There are so many antivirus software’s available online. User must choose best-rated antivirus software for his PC.
6. Manual virus scanning - sometimes viruses sneak through even when there are automatic updates and regular malware scans, so it’s advisable to occasionally perform the scan manually.
7. Destroying old data – old and unused data should be properly destroyed preferably using utilities that are erase secure. This prevents data which sometimes is sensitive from falling into wrong hands.
The above 7 computer security protocols should be mandatory to ensure that the data and software in your computer is totally safe.
Ensure that all data is secured with strong encryptions, use genuine trusted software and programs and constantly update and scan your computer to improve on security. Keep your computer safe.


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