iOS 7.x Unlock Steps rsim 7/8/9
Jailbreak your Sprint, Verizon iPhone 4S current iOS 7.0.4,
Jailbreak your Sprint iPhone 5 current iOS 7.0.4;
(Sometime you need FACTORY RESTORED your iPhone if iOS file was changed)
Step B:
Install our source to your cydia: or;
###For iPhone 4S Begin###
Setp C 4S:
Install the NeterTeam 4S iOS7 3G Patch, after install you will have a clear desktop. Then plug and play, enjoy your 3G network.
###For iPhone 4S End###
###For Sprint iPhone 5, Japan 5S 5C 5 Begin###
Setp C:
Install the iPhone 5S 5C 5 iOS7 NeterTeam patch;
Setp D:
Please only put your SIM Card (use to call) in to iPhone to show an Activation Required screen, then take it out;
(Attention please: you will get Searching->No Service->Searching… if you don’t do this step.)
Setp E:
Now put your SIM Card with Neter yellow SIM in and reboot your iPhone. Enjoy!
###For Sprint iPhone 5, Japan 5S 5C 5 End###
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