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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Don't Need To Update to iOS7.0.6 or iOS6.1.6 to fix SSL bug Using SSL Patch is the best iOS7 cydia source for all iOS user, Apple released iOS 6.1.6 and iOS 7.0,6  on Friday, which fixes a major SSL bug found in one of Apple’s SSL/TLS library that could let hackers intercept and modify your data on secure HTTPS sessions.

It has been strongly recommended that users rise to iOS 7.0.6 to fix the fund. Notwithstanding, if you're a jailbreaker it would intend losing the jailbreak, and then re-jailbreaking and re-installing the tweaks all over again, which can be quite a torturesome and measure consuming duty.

We now eff few neat info. A Cydia developer has retributory free a jailbreak force that patches the SSL protection bug in iOS 7.0.5 or move, so you don't mortal to advance to iOS 7.0.6. Update: Well-known Cydia developer, Ryan Petrich, has also free a pull to fix the SSL bug.

     heres how to install the patch to fix the SSL bug:
  • Launch Cydia
  • Tap on the manage button, followed by Edit in the top right corner.
  • Then tap on Add to add the repo, which includes the patch.
  • Here enter the following URL and click on Add Source button.
  • After the source has been successfully added click on the Return to Cydia button.
  • You should now see the Ryan’s repo in the list of sources.
  • Tap on it, scroll down, and tap on SSLPatch
  • Then tap on Install, followed by the Confirm button to install the patch.
  • Tap on Restart SpringBoard button when prompted.

That's it. The SSL bug should now be steady on your iOS instrumentation gushing iOS 7.0.5 or lower. A separate of redditors hold confirmed on this draw that the parcel indeed totality. Gratify commentary it supports iOS 6.x, iOS 7.x and 64-bit devices.

update 1:
Well-known Cydia developer, Ryan Petrich, has also released a tweak to fix the SSL bug, so the above guide has been updated accordingly.
Kudos to the developer linusyangRyan Petrich and the jailbreak community for coming out with the patch so quickly. You can find more details about the patchhere.
                                                       update :2
if u want to find out if the patch has fixed the SSL bug, point your Safari browser to website. The website will let you know if your browser is still vulnerable or safe. If you get the Safe message then the bug has been patched successfully.


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